Dear All,
I have been trying to use the FIXML 5.0 SP1 XSD to implement some interface.
The XML requirement is to have the FIXML tag.
<FIXML s="20080115" xv="xxx" r="20080115" v="5.0"
<TrdgSesStat Stat="{status}" SesID="{sessionId}" ReqID="{clientReqId}"/>
however when i use the fixml-marketstructure-base-5-0-SP1.xsd which has trdgSesStat to generate the XML then it doesnt come up with the <FIXML> tag.
Is there any modification which has to be done in the fixml-marketstructure-impl-5-0-SP1.xsd file so that the <FIXML> tag is generated?
I have been using the standard XSD so do not want to use any additional mapping to generate the <FIXML> tags.