We have done one JDBC to proxy scenario in our PI 7.3 . We have used JDBC adapter as sender.
we having issue while picking records from date Base.
there are 15000 records in the table. when i made all records flag as NULL . adapter started picking the records and updating as flag as 1
all records flag changed to 1. in these 15000 records 500 records not picked by PI (to source payload). even though flag changed as 1.
please suggest what might be the issue.
Query i used :-
processing parameters:-
quality of service is exactly once
select * from (select * from in_create where flag IS NULL ) where rownum < 200
update in_create set flag = 1, update_date = SYSDATE where flag IS NULL and rownum < 200
Advance Parameters
Transaction isolation level is serializable.
clusterSyncMode lock