Hi Experts,
Its a fresh installation PI7.31, file to idoc scenario is the requirement.
I choose sender system in ID as Business Component & receiver system as Business System
Configurations which i made for the connectivity from PI to R/3:
PI side: RFC Destination (SM59), Port (IDX1), MetaData (IDX2)
R/3 (ECC) Side: BD54 (Logical System Def), WE20 (Partner Profile)
Configuration in ID:
Sender System : Defined as Business component -- BC_FileServer -- Created File comm channel under this business component
Receiver System: Defined as Business System --> ECCCLNT100 -- Created IDoc comm channel under this business system.
Have done necessary developments in IR and while testing scenario its throwing error in sxmb_moni as:
" Unable to convert sender service BC_FileServer to ALE logical system"
Have seen few blogs and couldnt understand that.
My first Query is:
1. Do i need to define the sender system as Busines System instead of Business component.
2. Which logical name should be assigned to sender system? (is it a PI logical name or target ECC logical system name)
Appreciate your quick inputs on this.