Hello experts,
at the moment i am a little bit confused about the sap release meaning relating to idoc adapters. Reading about the old abap idoc adapter, help says this:
Under SAP Release, specify the current release of the receiver system.
I am not sure what is addressed by this. Is it the Component version shown in System->Status in ERP?
For example SAP ECC 6.0. Should we enter 6.0?
Reading about the new java based idoc aae adapter, you can find the following sentence:
In the SAP Release field, enter 731.
What the heck?
Reading about the module IDOCXmlToFlatConvertor, you can find this:
Enter the Parameter Name as SAPRelease and Parameter Value as the SAP release of the receiver system. For example, if the SAP release is 7.10, then enter 7.10.
When talking about 7.10, i think they are addressing the sap basis version, right?
Is it really this inconsistent? Is there anybody who can clarify this mess?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,