Hello Folks,
We have B2B interface flow is through Abap proxy we receive attachment and we will just through the same to third party using AS2 Channel at the receiver end now the issue is i am facing the following DuplicateKeyException error in the AS2 receiver channel.
Putting message into send queue failed, due to: com.sap.engine.interfaces.messaging.api.exception.DuplicateMessageException: Message Id 51c20455-b680-0db0-e100-800091374050(OUTBOUND) already exists in duplicate check table: com.sap.sql.DuplicateKeyException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (SAPSR3DB.SYS_C00158503) violated
To fix i have edited the channel and activated and also recreted the same channel but no luck .
Please through some light on the issue any help is highly appreciated.
Praveen Reddy