I have a sender sftp channel with Messagetransformbean to read a flat file and convert it into xml format.
I have ticked the Set Adapter specific message attributes checkbox and the File Name parameter.
I have also defined the below udf to read the filename from the namespace and send it to RFC function module to inform user via email that the file has been processed
String filename = "";
try {
DynamicConfiguration conf1 = (DynamicConfiguration) container.getTransformationParameters().get(StreamTransformationConstants.DYNAMIC_CONFIGURATION);
DynamicConfigurationKey key1 = DynamicConfigurationKey.create( "http:/"+"/","FileName");
filename = conf1.get(key1);
} catch(Exception ex){}
return filename;
My development system comm channel is FTP with content coversion. The above solution works correctly and the filename gets read and passed on to the email.
My test PI system comm channel is SFTP with messageTransformBean. In this case the dynamicConfiguration in SXMB_MONI message log shows the file name under the namespace However the filename is not being read and sent to the function module due to which it also does not appear in the email.
Please could anybody suggest whether the channel being of type sftp is causing this issue and whether there is a solution to this.