I want to send username and password information to an aspx page. Then this page will return me an xml response.
So if I make a HTTP POST request with
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
and parameters
pwd: ******
uid: ******
The scenario will work.
The HTTP Request body is like that
and it works, but I couldn't get it right on SAP PI.
I've filled out the parameters name on the advanced tab but despite my all efforts I could not make a form submission with HTTP POST
After numerous attempts I've achieved to send this data via the PI HTTP_AAE using an XSLT mapping but there must be an easier way.
Here is my configuration:
With this XSL i can get rid of the XML declaration and tags but when i leave the method as text then the communication channel receives an error. And if I choose xml or HTML the ampersand sign & is killing me. I sent to the target pwd=*****&uid=****** which returns me "the password you've entered is wrong" !
This "set form" option definitely mean something but. I have absolutely no idea what to type within the "MainPayloadParameterName"
I've tried MainPayload , UrlParamOne , the field in the message type, but all resulted with no success