Hi All,
We are getting zip(if there are multiple files) and test/csv(single file) as a response payload from the concur rest API and need your help on how to handle in NWBPM and SAP PO.
Zip response coming in response looks like below -
PKÀ˜F7extract_attendee_detail_p0600908soav_20150424022159.txts� rt©1204Õ50Ñ52©1¨áåPKzà@ÆPKÀ˜F2extract_CES_SAE_v3_p0600908soav_20150424022148.txts� rt©1204Õ50Ñ52©1¨©1ãåPKå늟PKÀ˜Fzà
Text/csv response looks like below -
Need you help on how to handle the zip content response.
Also need help on how to handle when text/csv response comes and when zip response comes.
As per the scenario, there are 4 calls to be made and we are using NWBPM and in the last call the actual respons (text/csv or zip) will come.
Please provide your inputs.
Narayanareddy B