Dear Experts,
I am getting the following issue in Receiver Communication Channel .
Error before sending due to idoc parsing error: (7) IDOC_ERROR_PARSE_FAILURE: Invalid XML 1.0 character encountered within IDocXML for type <n0:SupplierPortalTradingPartner>:
state=EXPECTING_IMMEDIATE_TAG_END, charPosition=87, lineNumber=1, columnNumber=88, invalidChar=U+0078,
sourceSnippet=...utf-8" standalone="no"?><n0:SupplierPortalTradingPartner xmlns:n0="
MP: exception caught with cause Error before sending due to idoc parsing error: (7) IDOC_ERROR_PARSE_FAILURE: Invalid XML 1.0 character encountered within IDocXML for type <n0:SupplierPortalTradingPartner>:
state=EXPECTING_IMMEDIATE_TAG_END, charPosition=87, lineNumber=1, columnNumber=88, invalidChar=U+0078,
sourceSnippet=...utf-8" standalone="no"?><n0:SupplierPortalTradingPartner xmlns:n0="
Exception caught by adapter framework: (7) IDOC_ERROR_PARSE_FAILURE: Invalid XML 1.0 character encountered within IDocXML for type <n0:SupplierPortalTradingPartner>:
state=EXPECTING_IMMEDIATE_TAG_END, charPosition=87, lineNumber=1, columnNumber=88, invalidChar=U+0078,
sourceSnippet=...utf-8" standalone="no"?><n0:SupplierPortalTradingPartner xmlns:n0="
I am working on PI7.4 Version Dual Stack
I am working on Interface on SUS-PI-ERP SYS and Scenario is Proxy to IDoc.
Message reached successful to PI From SRM System i.e Vendor Data not reached to ERP.
Imported the standard content in to ESR So all objects has been imported I just created the ICO in ID.
* My destination ping is successful in NWA i.e XI_IDOC_DEFAULT_DESTINATION and i maintained in receiver Channel.
*In My receiver Channel I used Default recommended and maintained this destination XI_IDOC_DEFAULT_DESTINATION there
*Able to Import metadata in both Idx2 and in Idoc adapter monitor option in RWB in metadata monitor tab.
Searched in blogs related to this error didn't found any exact solution.
My assumptions about this issue
1)Is this error that it couldn't able to read EDI_DC40 Control record I didn't done any mapping manually Just imported Standard content in ESR
mapping is already there I used that one.
If it is not able to read control record what is the required things to do to read this one should i need to enable any parameters in Receiver Channel
that is Control Record of IDoc Xml message in advanced options of receiver cc even i did that too.
Business requirement Very urgent ,I couldn't able to solve the issue Tried in all possible ways
Even I configured Classical scenario and maintained destinations and partner profile all correctly
Your earliest response highly appreciated and points be awarded.
This is my first post and with very high urgency Pardon me if any mistakes.
Pavan D