Dear ladies and gentlemen,
I have follow problem:
We will pick up different files from a SFTP Server and put on a different FTP Server.
So far so good. The SFTP Adapter works as we expected. but the FTP Receiver Adapter makes trouble.
They couldn't write a dynamical file name.
We have a FTP->FTP Scenario in place, it works perfect with the '*' as file name, but not in this Scenario.
So I try to use the Variable Substitution and it seems, that is it working, but only with the interface name.
But I need there the file name, I saw as well the file name in the Header:
But I don't which name should/have to use in the Variable Substitution.
For the interface I used
Varibalename: targetname
Reference: message:interface_name
Remark: I try to use the ASMA mark File Name, dosen't work, because I get back, that the field dosen't exist.
Thanks for your help