Hello experts,
I am working in a SAP PI 7.31 dual stack. I have some ccBPM which receives HTTP request (abap) and inside is doing some RFC to a backend system.
The http client is countiniusly doing http calls to my SAP PI (every minute). I have noticed that during the starting of the system, the HTTP (ABAP) is available, but the java stack takes a bit more time to be ready. So my system is acepting HTTP Calls due to ABAP is ready but is not calling the backend system because RFC is not working, and I am getting errors until Java stack is ready.
I want to ask if there is way to configure SAP PI to accept HTTP calls (ABAP) when the Java stack is ready and not before.
I have scheduled my comunication channels, but for ABAP channels I can not do that.
I am thinking on stop and start icm services (with a scheduled job) but I am not sure if it good.
Any suggestions?
Kind Regards.