Hi Experts,
Can someone pls let me know how to approach interface to handle: Multiple Large Files to URL Link without Mapping through PI 7.1
I have a scenario where in PI has to handle 4 large CSV files to txt without mapping and the file names has to be changed before sending it to the receiver URL link.
The file names should be changed to the below names:
YPO_SH01.csv of 1.25 GB approx ---> ge_abc_146.txt
YPO_SH02.csv of 940 MG approx ---> ke_lmn_449.txt
YPO_SH03.csv of 58 MG approx ---> ck_ext_412.txt
YPO_SH04.csv of 50 MG approx ---> pp_loc_499.txt
Can you pls guide me how to handle this interface.