Dear Experts,
I'm configuring an interface with proxy to HTTPS web service (external WS) scenario.
When testing the interface I face the following error:
24.02.2015 19:51 151.722 Error Failed to call the endpoint: Error in cal over HTTP. HTTP 0 null
24.02.2015 19:51 :51 .722 Error SOAP: Call failed: Faied to get the input stream from socket: iaiksecurity.ssl.SSLCertificateException: Peer certificate rejected by ChainVerifier
24.02.2015 19:51:51.741 Error SOAP: Error occurred:|OException: Failed to get the input stream from socket: Peer certificate rejected by Chainverifier
24.02.2015 19:51 :51 .742 MP: exception caught with cause Faied to getttginput stream from socket@s§cgiy5§1.SSLCqtificateException: Peer certificate rejected by Chainveritier
24.02.2015 19:51:51.745 Error Exception caught by adapter framework: Faied to get the input stream from socket: Peer certificate rejected by Chainverifier
24.02.2015 19151151746 Error Delivery of the message to the application using connection SOAP_ht|p;!Isap.comIxiIXlISystem failed, due to: Failed to get the input stream from socket fail<.security.ssl.SSLCertiticatzeException: Peer certificate rejected by Chainverifier. Setting message to status failed
24.02.2015 19:51:51.746 Error Message status set to FAIL
The first error message seen is HTTP 0 Null, but all the next message error refer to Peer certificate rejected by Chainverifier.
I believe we've test to access the web service url via https from the PI server using a web browser and succeeded.
What I'm confused about is that: Does this error is because PI cannot connect to the web service (HTTP 0 Null) then it causes the Certificate error? Or is this because the Certificate error that cause the HTTP 0 Null error?
Thank you,
Suwandi C.