Hello guys,
Our integration manager is interested in having a summarized information about the PI system. She wants to have something like the SXMB_MONI but grouped by bussinnes applications, external systems, and showing statistics and fancy numbers, you know, everything managers love
She asked me to investigate a little bit. I had never got into the code of the SXMB_MONI. I have seen that the reading of the messages is done by FM SXMB_SELECT_MESSAGES_NEW. Does anyone know the limitations of this FM? How deep into the past does it go?
Is there any table that keeps summarized information in the ABAP stack by Interface and status, something like what you get in the Message Monitoring? Because I guess that if I use SXMB_SELECT_MESSAGES_NEW to look up the information for a whole year, it may take ages. However this is done by the Message Monitoring in seconds, and that information is all I need.
I hope I have been clear and thank you very much in advance.
Kind regards,