Hi experts,
I doing a custom adapter module and one of the things that I have to do is recover a value from a value mapping.
For that I'm using the API com.sap.aii.mapping.value.api.XIVMService
I try many options always with the same result, but basically the simplest call is something like that:
String newString = XIVMService.executeMapping( "testavf", "cXML_Identity", "uno", "testtito", "cXML_SharedSecret");
Im throwing the this string as an ModuleException to debug the problem, and always the value of this string is:
Mapped value of Source: http://sap.com/xi/XI cXML_Identity testavf uno Target: http://sap.com/xi/XI testtito cXML_SharedSecret
But nothing else more..
I try with the standard context http://sap.com/xi/XI and also creating a VM with different context and also creating XIVMFactory.newIdentifier for the source and the target, always the result of the execution are the values I set for the call
I try also recovering all the String array and checking all the values there is only this one...
The information of my system is: NW731EXT_11_REL JAVA only Stack.
Thanks for your help