I am working on converting CcBPM to NWBPM for SAP PI migration project.Its an idoc -> File scenario.
The scenario uses multiple steps like sending acknowlegments back to SAP, triggering alerts , waiting on errors.
Steps involved in BPM(An overview) :
1.Receive -> Idoc sender interface sends message to BPM
2.Switch1 : Branch1 : (IDoc./DEBMAS06/IDOC/E1KNA1M/BAHNE = KL) OR (IDoc./ZDEBMAS06_I/IDOC/E1KNA1M/BAHNE = BL)
3.Execute an Interface mapping1.
4.Send the message to receiver 1.
5.Send response to SAP.
6.End of Branch1 and Switch1.
7.Switch2 : Branch2 : (IDoc./ZDEBMAS06_I/IDOC/E1KNA1M/BAHNE = KL) OR (IDoc./ZDEBMAS06_I/IDOC/E1KNA1M/BAHNE = KH)
8.Execute Interface Mapping2.
9.Send the message to receiver 2.
10.Send response to SAP.
To start-off I have defined the start condition. And I am trying to use a exclusive chioce to route the messages as to two different receivers. But the Exclusive split it asking for an default gate. But my scenario doesn't have any default values. Either it should be going to Recevier 1 or Receiver 2.
Can you please help me what condition to use to start this process ?