I would like to create a SOAP to INVOIC.INVOIC01 Idoc interface on PI 7.4. I would prefer not to use BPM but can do if necessary.
I understand there are modules I can use to convert request from synchronous to asynchronous in Sender communication channel, but I'm a bit stuck on the operation mapping. I can't map a synchronous operation to asynchronous - error message = 'Interface modi are different.'.
I have seen posts suggesting that I should change the asynchronous service interface temporarily to synchronous, activate the operation mapping as sync to sync, and then change back to async. I don't think this is possible with an Idoc interface.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can get round the problem? I would like to receive a cXML InvoiceDetail request, map to Idoc, and then return cXML response.
Kind regards