Hi, I am working on Email to file scenario, where I have to connect to exchange server and take the attachment of the email (xml file) and save it on to PI server. I have configured sender mail communication channel with following details:
Protocol: POP3
Message protocol: XIPAYLOAD
Mail attributes: keep attachments
1 localejbs/AF_Modules/PayloadSwapBean Local Enterprise Bean 1
2 localejbs/sap.com/com.sap.aii.adapter.mail.app/XIMailAdapterBean Local Enterprise Bean mail
1 swap.keyName Content-Description
1 swap.keyName Content-Description
1 swap.keyValue attachment,filename="MailAttachment-1.xml"
1 swap.keyValue MailAttachment-1
Also, configured receiver file adapter.
Since I donu2019t have to read mail content , I havenu2019t created any design components in ESR. I have just refrred to dummy namespace, interface (both sender and receiver). in receiver determination, interface determination, sender agreement and receiver agreements.
It was working fine, not sure what changes happened. Now I could see the attachment payload in message monitor.
Under Inbound message->payloads->
MailMessage ( text/xml;charset=utf-8 )
MailAttachment-1 ( text/xml;name="****************")
But the fille that is getting created doesnu2019t have the contents of the attachment (xml file) . It has some other information, shown below:
Directory: ******
Name: ********.xml
=NextPart_002_01CB2C5B.B033B325 #
Can you please let me know what is going wrong here.