Hi Experts,
I have defined an alert categoty ZALERT, with 2 elements in the container: VAR1, VAR2.
In the Long text am using these two elements like: Document VAR1 is created by VAR2
The problem is: am getting the alert message as "Document is created by ".
Am executing the alert using FM: SALRT_CREATE_API, am filling the container table with the two elements.
l_tab_container-element = 'VAR1'. l_tab_container-tab_index = 1. l_tab_container-type = 'C'. l_tab_container-value = l_doc_type. APPEND l_tab_container. l_tab_container-element = 'VAR2'. l_tab_container-tab_index = sy-tabix. l_tab_container-type = 'C'. l_tab_container-value = sy-uname. APPEND l_tab_container. CALL FUNCTION 'SALRT_CREATE_API' EXPORTING ip_category = 'ZALERT' * IP_ALIAS = * IP_EXPIRATION_TIME = * IP_EXPIRATION_DATE = ip_wait_on_commit = ' ' * IP_APPLICATION_GUID = * IP_GET_SYNC_EXCEPTIONS = ' ' * II_CONTAINER = IMPORTING ep_alert_id = l_ep_alert_id TABLES it_recipients = l_tab_recipients * IT_ACTIVITIES = it_container = l_tab_container it_ext_recipients = l_tab_ext_recipients * IT_EXT_ADDR = * IT_ROLES = * EXCEPTIONS * ALERT_CATEGORY_UNKNOWN = 1 * ALERT_NO_RECIPIENTS = 2 * ALERT_ERROR_UNKNOWN = 3 * DESTINATION_UNDEFINED = 4 * COMMUNICATION_FAILURE = 5 * SYSTEM_FAILURE = 6 * OTHERS = 7 .
Some one plz help me to get the proper data.
Thank you.