we are facing this issue after system restart:
[Thr 20561] >> Begin of Secude-SSL Errorstack >>
[Thr 20561] 0x20001047 SAPCRYPTOLIB SSL_accept
[Thr 20561] SSL API error
[Thr 20561] received a fatal SSLv3 illegal parameter alert message from the peer
[Thr 20561] 0xa0600267 SSL ssl23_accept
[Thr 20561] received a fatal SSLv3 illegal parameter alert message from the peer
[Thr 20561] 0xa0600267 SSL ssl3_read_bytes
[Thr 20561] received a fatal SSLv3 illegal parameter alert message from the peer
[Thr 20561] << End of Secude-SSL Errorstack
[Thr 20561] SSL NI-sock: unix domain socket="/tmp/.sapicm44103"
[Thr 20561] <<- ERROR: SapSSLSessionStart(sssl_hdl=11e208250)==SSSLERR_SSL_ACCEPT
[Thr 20561] *** ERROR => IcmConnInitServerSSL: SapSSLSessionStart returned (-56): SSSLERR_SSL_ACCEPT [icxxconn_mt. 1701
[Thr 19533] SSL_get_state() returned 0x00001180 "SSLv3 read client certificate A"
[Thr 19533] *** ERROR during SecudeSSL_SessionStart() from SSL_accept()==SSL_ERROR_SSL
[Thr 19533] session uses PSE file "/usr/sap/SK4/DVEBMGS03/sec/SAPSSLS.pse"
[Thr 19533] SecudeSSL_SessionStart: SSL_accept() failed
[Thr 19533] secude_error 536875079 (0x20001047) = "SSL API error"
and after trying to replace library:
[Thr 8739] *** ERROR during SecudeSSL_SessionStart() from SSL_connect()==SSL_ERROR_CONNECTION_LOST
[Thr 8739] session uses PSE file "/usr/sap/SK4/DVEBMGS03/sec/SAPSSLC.pse"
[Thr 8739] No Secude Error present in trace stack!
[Thr 8739] SSL_get_state() returned 0x00002131 "SSLv3 read server certificate B"
[Thr 8739] SSL NI-sock: local= peer=
[Thr 8739] <<- ERROR: SapSSLSessionStart(sssl_hdl=11dc9add0)==SSSLERR_SSL_CONNECT
[Thr 8739] *** ERROR => IcmConnInitClientSSL: SapSSLSessionStart failed (-57): SSSLERR_SSL_CONNECT {00021cd4} [icxxconn_mt.c 1977]
In the DEV system, there is no error and in PROD we don´t have new library yet.
We tried to regenerate certificates, restarted ICM, restarted webdispatcher, replaced the library, but Note 1094342 is useless.
This error disappeared in log dev_icm on application server, but on db still appears and we have an error in web browser.
Could you help, please?
Thank you in advance.