In most of the integration scenarios, in order to debug, we do depend on the logging of different versions of the source message that eventually gets transformed to the target message by going through the different pipeline steps. If we have the ABAP stack presence in our PI version (7.1 or 7.3 or whatever), we get to know what is happening to the source message at each pipeline step by checking the SXMB_MONI transaction. But, what if we are on Single stack of PI (This blog is based on PI 7.3 EHP1 SP05)?
We can still evaluate the same transformations/versions of the source message by setting few options in the Integrated Configuration Object (ICO). This doesn't require and settings to be made to the property xiadapter.logger.conf in the NWA
While you create the ICO object, perform the following steps.
Go to Advanced Settings tab where you find a set of options for two classifications called Staging and Logging (point of interest at the moment). Under Logging, the default values for logging of the pipeline steps is None. Change them to the suitable option (Log / Log on error / Log without payload / Log on error without payload).
In this specific case, the option Log is being chosen for the two steps MS and AM.
MS - Receiver Determination (version of the message will be logged after this step).
AM - Mapping (version of the message will be logged after this step).
Once the above settings are made, you can view the payload of the message after each of the respective steps as below.
In the below screenshot, the message ID is '19d51dc6-a1f6-11e2-c659-000001ffb7ce'.
For the specified message, we can view the different versions of the message as shown below.