Hi Folks - I'm a little rusty on XI (and JAVA stacks in general) and would appreciate some help. We have a NW740 XI/PI system....it's a dual stack....and so my understanding has always been that XI/PI involves/requires both ABAP stack and a JAVA stack (the JAVA stack being what stuff like the Integration Builder/Integration Repository/Directory runs in).
And usually when I think of a JAVA stack running - I expect to be able to verify this by seeing pid's like "jlaunch" or "jcontrol" running @ the O/S level.
Please see the attached doc - I do not see those running in our case. There is an SCS instance installed and I can see pid's running for that though.
QUESTION: What should be seen running @ the O/S level to verify we have a JAVA stack running? Does it depend on the SAP version (we have a very new release so not sure if something's changed w/ the architecture here)