I have a scenario where a synchronous proxy sender channel is sending a request to PI 7.31 and that request is forwarded to a web service in a soap receiver channel. The web service returns both an xml part in the soap body and an attachment in the http body. I would like to have the attachment swaped into the actual response message but I get this error:
SOAP: call failed: java.io.IOException: invalid syntax in MIME header: ; HTTP 200 OK
I have set up the module tab on the soap receiver channel in this way:
Processing sequence:
AF_Modules/PayloadSwapBean (module key = swap)
!!! Please note, that the PayloadSwapBean is last in the sequence because it is supposed to be used on the response and not the request.
Module Configuration:
swap -> swap.keyName -> Content-id
swap -> swap.keyValue -> <Attachment>
I have used these values because I have been told that the response looks something like this:
Content-transfer-encoding: binary
Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8;
Content-id: <TIBCO_START_PART>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'><soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body>
<ns0:FileDownloadResponseEnvelope xmlns:ns0="urn:nl:edsn:service:filedownloadresponse:env:1">
Content-transfer-encoding: binary
Content-type: application/octet-stream
Content-id: <Attachment>
In an attempt to see the whole http body I have tried to call the web service from SOAPUI but I get a (different) error message from the web service and no attachment.
How can I attack this challenge and do you have any comments on my configuration in PI?
Any comments would be highly appreciated!
Best regards