Hi Experts ,
I am getting following error in SFTP receiver channel, here I have nominated the password based authentication rather than certificate authentication method in channel. And I have created finger print in NWA and shared with SSH server admin to import , then I maintained the same in my receiver channel also. And I have done the vice-versa created the finger print in SSH server side and given the same in channel . Still error is persist in channel, experts please suggest .
Error :
Message could not be forwarded to the JCA adapter. Reason: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Fingerprint invalid. Fingerprint is: 6b:f4:38:e7:13:31:59:c8:76:4f:e1:93:10:ac:73:ca
Error MP: exception caught with cause javax.resource.ResourceException: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Fingerprint invalid. Fingerprint is: 6b:f4:38:e7:13:31:59:c8:76:4f:e1:93:10:ac:73:ca
Error Exception caught by adapter framework: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Fingerprint invalid. Fingerprint is: 6b:f4:38:e7:13:31:59:c8:76:4f:e1:93:10:ac:73:ca
Screen shots :
Thanks in advance,