I'm testing the IDOC adapter on a PI 7.3 system in a simple file-to-IDOC scenario. I'm reading material master data from a XML file and send it to an ECC 6.0 system. The file processing is working fine, but after that I get an error in SXMB_MONI. It says there occurred an 'Error in IDOC Adapter Processing'. The detail message in the monitor looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
-<!-- Call Adapter -->
-<SAP:Error SOAP:mustUnderstand="" xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<SAP:Stack>Error: I::000</SAP:Stack>
I already checked ST22, everything is ok there - no errors. Does anybody know this issue?
Thanks in advance!