we need to covert orders-xml to EDIFact D93A format, we used the module X2E_ORDERS_UN_D93A (Receiver Channel)
it is working with out any issue at the AS2 adapter, we were able to see the converted edifact message
but if we use any file adapter it is failing given error
Message processing failed. Cause: com.sap.engine.interfaces.messaging.api.exception.MessagingException: BICMODULE:Temporary error: BIC XI Adapter call failed. Reason: 2 errors occured. First error: BICMapping: runMapping() FATAL ERROR: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
I tried with many combinations using "localejbs/ModuleProcessorExitBean" with Parameter "JNDIName" Value "deployedAdapters/OFTP/sharable/OFTP" but it didn't work.
even tried with out having it.. but it didn't work
Any suggestions what is the complete set of module