I am studing PI and I have a question.
I create a process to select a table in SQL Oracle
and to send to the RFC.
I run (Test ) the process and it is a erro.
Step 1. Send agreement
<Trace level="1" type="B">SENDER AGREEMENT SIMULATION</Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">Simulating Adapter Engine...</Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">Simply trying to loolup for the most specific Sender Agreement object</Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">no objects found</Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">Note that real results may differ</Trace>
Stpe 2. Receice Determination
Runtime error
"Die Nachricht ist unvollständig. Es wurde kein Sender gefunden."
= "The message is incomplete. There was no station is found."
Your change list is not empty; activate changes before simulation
<Trace level="1" type="B">CL_RD_PLSRV-ENTER_PLSRV</Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T">R E C E I V E R - D E T E R M I N A T I O N </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="T"> Cache Content is up to date </Trace>
<Trace level="1" type="E">CL_RD_PLSRV-ENTER_PLSRV</Trace>
May you help me? Where is it the problem?