Scenario - Third Party system (HTTP Sender) -> PI 7.3 -> NW BPM 7.3 Process (WS-RM receiver)
Note: BPM 7.3 is enabled in PI 7.3 and is not a separate SID/physical system
Note: I was able to successfully test the scenario NW BPM 7.3 Process(WS-RM Sender) -> PI 7.3 -> Third Party system (File Receiver)
I have created a BPM process, imported the Service definition from ESR, created a trigger to receive the message, deployed the process, Configured the web service for the process. tested the triggering of the the process using process repository and wsnavigator. Both cases test was successful and the bpm process was started and executed successfully.
I have configured the PI scenario.When i activate the WS receiver adapter i get the following error message.
Problem during cache refresh. Problem while updating a receiver agreement with object ID A282CFB2A8B13D8CA48371885656C499. :Exception: Uninstantiated object "subject sidl interface" inmethod IF_SRT_WSP_CONFIG_SIDL_XI~CREATE_CLNT_CTX_FROM_WSD of class CL_SRT_WSP_CONFIG_SIDL
Has anyone encountered this issue? Do you have any suggestions?
Is it possible to use WS-RM to trigger NW BPM 7.3 Process ? I did not find any sap documentation / notes suggesting this scenario is not possible.
Is it possible to make the NW BPM 7.3 process receive regular SOAP calls instead of WS-RM call?
FYI: I have searched SDN / SMP, went through bunch of discussions, articles, blogs and notes, tried debugging the manual cache refresh using the program SSRV_CPA_TEST. None of them have helped me so far in this scenario.
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