I have the following problem:
I am developing a file to IDoc scenario in AEX 7.31. All design objects in ESR and configuration objects in ID are created and the sender communication channel is running. Now I got a test file. It starts directly with the data elements but does not contain the root element as defined in my data type. To make it clear:
Data Type in ESR:
-- Record [1..unbounded]
---- Field1
---- Field2
The File looks as follows (it lacks the root element 'DT_Datatype_A'):
When I try to send it via PI I get the following error:
When I add the XML root element <ns0:DT_DatatypeA ns="..."> manually to the file (and the corresponding end tag), the message is processed correctly.
How can I solve this issue? The file is created by a legacy system which does not know anything about my PI namespaces.
Thanks in advance!