I'd like to build a synchronous web service that will allow suppliers to send a request for a PDF shipping label (Adobe Forms). The supplier will provide an XML file with the requested PO/Line data for shipping. The backend ECC will generate the appropriate PDF shipping labels for the PO/Lines to be shipped and return the PDF as an attachment in the SOAP response.
Supplier <-SOAP/XML ---
> PI <Proxy-> ECC <---RFC --->ADS
ADS builds PDF file from Shipping Label template and it's all sent back to the supplier as an attachment.
Is this possible?
I'm stuck trying to figure out if the RFC used to call the Adobe Form will return a PDF file that I can use in the response.
I do not current have ADS set up, I need to verify this process will work before I can get authorization to implement ADS.
Are there any good blogs or white papers for this?