Greetings all,
Our SLD is on our SAP Solution Manager system. This SM system is the last of our systems running HTTP. When we try to turn off the HTTP portion of our Java dispatcher on out SM system, it breaks XI. Specifically:
When in Integration Directory (Configuration) and we try to bring up any communication channel, we get the following error: Attempts to access the application REPOSITORY using HTTP method Invocation (HMI) failed. Detailed information: Invoking ROA method "ReadObject" via HMI ... FAILED due to following exception message: Connection to REPOSITORY using application REPOSITORY lost. Detailed information: Error accessing http://<content switch host name for XI Java>:52300/rep/remoteobjectaccess/lnt?container=ejb with user "PIDIRUSER", Response code is 302, response message is "Found"
...see screen shot
- It's
- trying to use HTTP, which we have configured on the xontent switch to redirect to HTTPS (apparantly, it doesn't like the redirect)
- The port it is trying to connect to is 52300. System 23 is our QA XI system.
- Our XI system is XI 3.0 running on Netweaver 7.0.
When we turn HTTP back on, on SM, the problem goes away.
In XI we have made the following changes:
- All references in Exchange Profile to the SLD are correct and the HTTPS portion points to the correct port/hostname.
- In exchange profile: = messaging,all
- In Visual Administrator, we've changed Server -> Services -> SAP XI AF CPA Cahce:
- SLD.selfregistration.httpsPort
- In Visual Administrator, we've also changed Server -> Services -> SLD Data supplier -> Runtime -> HTTP seetings and we can verify the SLD update is running successfully.
Any thoughts on what is causing this problem? It's interesting to note: this problem only occurs in our Development and QA environments. Our production environment is unaffected.