Dear Experts,
I have transported the PI(Salesofrce) outbound interfaces to PI-QA landscape..When I am doing Operation mapping test I am not getting the SFA sessionID in the PI-QA landscape with javaclass.
For QA landscape, the SFA Enterprise WSDL is same as development, only change is the end point URL and user credentials.
I am using the same soap-envelope code to get the session ID with SFA QA credentials and endpoint URL....I am using the business component and same communication channel of development server..those are transported from Dev-PI.
PI-QA, SOAP lookup channel status is green with completed status but SFA QA user have no logon history.
Host entries are maintained in PI-QA, from PI-QA SFA IP are able to telnet, from SOAPUI I am getting the session ID with QA credentials.
I stuck-up with session-ID issue to proceed further...Please help me with your suggestion.