I have problems connecting a NetWeaver Java system to the SLD.
What I did:
I went into NetWeaver Administrator (<host>:<port>/nwa) => Configuration => Destinations
I created a destination with the name SLD_DataSupplier and type HTTP.
I entered URL http://<host of sld>:<port of sld> and the system ID of the SLD as well as the port and language EN, and the user and password of a user defined on the SLD, which has the roles SAP_SLD_CONFIGURATOR, SAP_SLD_DATA_SUPPLIER and SAP_SLD_GUEST (maybe only the first one is needed and contains the other two, not sure) and selected "Ignore SSL Server Certificates".
Ping results in HTTP code 200 ... I think that's okay?
I created another destination with the name SLD_Client and the exact same data.
Then I went to Configuration => Infrastructure => SLD Data Supplier Configuration and clicked the "Collect and Send Data" button and I got a success message "Collect and Send Data completed successfully".
In the Automatic Send field it says "false".
The Success field says "true".
Then I went into the SLD => Technical Systems and clicked refresh. I expect that the Java system should show up there now, but it doesn't.
What could be wrong and how can I analyze this?