We have created ICO in Process Orchestration 7.4 for File to abap proxy scenario with receiver SOAP channel(XI protocol).
When we run the scenario, it is received successfully in SAP when checked with sxmb_moni. But in PI monitoring the message goes in waiting mode with the receiver soap channel in error state. After 1 rety by default, it process the message successfully with warning.
Transmitting the message to endpoint <local> using connection File_http://sap.com/xi/XI/System failed, due to: com.sap.engine.interfaces.messaging.api.exception.MessagingException: Error encountered while executing mapping: com.sap.aii.af.service.mapping.MappingException: Unexpected exception caught while executing mapping: com.sap.aii.adapter.xi.routing.RoutingException: Unable to retrieve interface determination: No interface determination set in lookup context.
SOAP: Call failed: com.sap.aii.af.sdk.xi.srt.BubbleException: System Error Received. HTTP Status Code = 200: However System Error received in payload ErrorCode = DUPLICATE_DETECTED ErrorCategory = XIProtocol Parameter1 = 16452534617511E3A93600000076D806 Parameter2 = RECEIVER ECD ( 240 ) tpcides_ECD_00 ) tpcides Parameter3 = Parameter4 = Additional text = ErrorStack = Message ID 16452534617511E3A93600000076D806 already exists in called system (pipeline RECEIVER ECD ( 240 ) tpcides_ECD_00 tpcides)
[http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30^Error "DUPLICATE_DETECTED"]
It seems weird when ICO fails with error related to interface determination.
Please suggest.