probably someone can provide an idea.
We are migrating from 7.1 to 7.31.
One of our interfaces SOAP sender shows these log in credentials in 7.1 :
SAP PasswordCredential(PIAFUSER):password=******:sapclient=100:saplang=EN:sapsysid=ABC
Interface works fine. But, ... it is the only SOAP sender interface with this sapsysid added.
Now moving this interface to 7.31 results in an auth. error.
We are wondering where this sapsysid comes from! (question1)
(And when checking the message data in the 7,31 ..... it is converted to the correct sysid for the new PI system!)
Partner says, he doesn´t provide.... (a little doubt still remains).
How can we get the PI 7.31 to accept this else? (question2)
Your help is really welcome!
Best regards